As part of events being triggered inside of LogiSense Billing, different data tokens are available surrounding that event that can be transmitted as part of the payload within an email or WebHook notification.
Token Context | Token Group(s) |
Account | Core, Account, Contact |
Account Package | Core, Account, Account Package, Contact |
Account Service | Core, Account, Account Package, Account Service, Contact |
Account Service Usage Bucket | Core, Account, Account Package, Account Service, Account Service Usage Bucket, Contact |
Account Contract | Core, Account, Account Contract |
Bill Run | Core, Bill Run |
Credit Note | Core, Account, Credit Note |
Invoice | Core, Account, Contact, Invoice |
Share Plan | Core, Account, Share Plan |
Payment | Core, Account, Payment |
Payment Error | Core, Account, Payment, Payment Error |
Report | Core, Report |
Note: Contact tokens not available through Webhooks; Only email.
Token Group | Token Name | Description |
Core | Current Time | The current time (at the time of the notification) |
Core | Current Date | The date (at the time of the notification) |
Core | Current Date and Time | The date and time (at the time of the notification ) |
Core | Owner Name | Name of the Owner |
Core | Event Name | Internal Name of the Event that triggered |
Account | Account.DisplayName | The non unique (optional) display name |
Account | Account.Name | The unique account name |
Account | Account.Id | Unique Account Id |
Account | Account.Balance | Current Balance on account |
Account | Account.BalanceDue | Balance Due on the next Invoice on an Account |
Account | Account.Bill Day | Account bill day (1 to 28) |
Account | Account.CurrentStatus | Current account status (on a status change, this will be the status the account was changed to) |
Account Company | Account.Company.Address1 | Company Address |
Account Company | Account.Company.Address2 | Company Address 2 |
Account Company | Account.Company.City | Company City |
Account Company | Account.Company.Country | Company Country |
Account Company | Account.Company.Name | Company Name |
Account Company | Account.Company.State | Company State or Province |
Account Company | Account.Company.Zipcode | Company zipcode |
Account Package | Account.Package.Name | Account Package Name |
Account Package | Account.Package.packageFrequency.Name | Account Package Frequency Name |
Account Package | Account.Package.CurrentStatus | Current Status of the Account Package (the user defined one, not the base status) |
Account Package | Account.Package.PreviousStatus | Previous Status of the Account Package (the user defined one, not the base status) |
Account Package | Account.Package.EffectiveDate | Account Package Effective Date |
Account Service | Account.Service.Name | Account Service Name |
Account Service | Account.Service.CurrentStatus | Account Service State (state that SIM has transitioned into) |
Account Service | Account.Service.PreviousStatus | Account Service Previous State (original state prior to transition) |
Account Service | Account.Service.UsageIdentifier | The Usage Identifier of the Account Service |
Account Service Usage Bucket | Account.Service.Bucket.Name | Bucket name |
Account Service Usage Bucket | Account.Service.Bucket.Id | Bucket Id |
Account Service Usage Bucket | Account.Service.Bucket.Unit | Data Type Unit of the bucket |
Account Service Usage Bucket | Account.Service.Bucket.Size | Size (# of units) of the bucket |
Account Service Usage Bucket | Account.Service.Bucket.CurrentUsage | Amount of the bucket that has been filled up |
Account Service Usage Bucket | Account.Service.Bucket.EffectiveDate | Effective Date of the bucket |
Account Service Usage Bucket | Account.Service.Bucket.EndDate | End date of the bucket (recurrence rollover date or non-recurrence end date) |
Account Contract | Account.Contract.Name | Name of the Account Contract |
Account Contract | Account.Contract.Status | Status of the Account Contract |
Account Contract | Account.Contract.CommitmentType | Commitment Type of the under commit penalty (package/service/usage/invoice amount) |
Account Contract | Account.Contract.MinimumCommitTier | Commitment Tier of the under commit penalty |
Account Contract | Account.Contract.UnderCommitCharge | Charge of the commitment tier of the under commit penalty |
Account Contract | Account.Contract.CommitUnit | Commit Unit of the under commit penalty (charge, count) |
Bill Run | BillRun.ID | Bill Run ID |
Bill Run | BillRun.HistoryID | Specific Occurrence of the Bill Run |
Bill Run | BillRun.Name | Name of the Bill Run |
Bill Run | BillRun.Start | The start date/time of the bill run |
Bill Run | BillRun.End | The end date/time of the bill run |
Bill Run | BillRun.Status | Status of the Bill Run |
Invoice | Invoice.DueDate | Invoice due date |
Invoice | Invoice.ID | ID of most recent (current) invoice |
Invoice | Invoice.PaymentDue | Amount to be paid by due date |
Invoice | Invoice.InvoiceTotal | Total of the Invoice |
Invoice | Invoice.DeliveryDate | Date the invoice was delivered |
Invoice | Invoice.Balance | Unpaid total of the invoice (total - disbursements) |
Contact | Contact.{contactType}.FirstName | First name of the Billing Contact |
Contact | Contact.{contactType}.Last Name | Last name of the Billing Contact |
Contact | Contact.{contactType}.Title | Title of the Billing Contact |
Optionally (based on Owner configuration) | ||
Contact | Contact.{contactType}.Address1 | Address of the Billing Contact (Must have Data Type of Address) |
Contact | Contact.{contactType}.Address2 | Address2 of the Billing Contact |
Contact | Contact.{contactType}.City | City of the Billing Contact |
Contact | Contact.{contactType}.Country | Country of the Billing Contact |
Contact | Contact.{contactType}.State | State of the Billing Contact |
Contact | Contact.{contactType}.Zipcode | Zipcode of the Billing Contact |
Contact | Contact.{contactType}.{ownerDefinedContactPoint} | All defined data types of (Phone, Email, Text) |
Credit Note | CreditNote.ID | ID of the Credit Note |
Credit Note | CreditNote.Total | Total of all Credits in the Credit Note |
Payment | Payment.PaymentType | Type of payment made (Credit Card or ACH) |
Payment | Payment.CardType | Type of Credit Card used for the payment (NULL if paymentType is not Credit card) |
Payment | Payment.PaymentProvider | Provider the payment was made to (ex. Chase) |
Payment | Payment.PaymentAmount | Amount of the payment submitted to the Gateway |
Payment | Payment.PaymentCurrency | Currency of the Payment |
Payment | Payment.TransactionID | Transaction ID (for the user to fetch additional data from our system) |
Payment Error | Payment.Error | Error message(s) returned from the gateway for the payment |
Report | Report.Name | Name of the Report |
Report | Report.ScheduleName | Name of the schedule generating the report |
Report | Report.ReportStorageIdentifier | The id of the report in Report Storage. Used to retrieve the report |