Details of usage records mediated within the system.
date | "date": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z" Type: Date Date and time values are specified in the ISO 8601 format. |
udrIdentifierTypeId | "udrIdentifierTypeId": 1 Type: Number Unique identifier for the associated UDRIdentifierType object. |
udrName | "udrName": "Sample Name" Type: String The name of the object associated with the udrIdentifierTypeId property. |
originatingIdentifier | "originatingIdentifier": "016243802" Type: String An identifier detailing the source of the usage event. |
terminatingIdentifier | "terminatingIdentifier": "017675442" Type: String An identifier detailing the destination of the usage event. |
udrUsageIdentifier | "udrUsageIdentifier": "EC-1" Type: String A unique identifier associated with the usage record e.g telephone number, IMSI number, etc. |
value | "value": "Hello World" Type: String The value of the usage event. |
reverseRating | "reverseRating": true Type: Boolean TBC. |
usageClassId | "usageClassId": 21 Type: Number Unique identifier for the associated UsageClass object. |
usageClassName | "usageClassName": "Sample Name" Type: String The name of the object associated with the usageClassId property. |
usageClassGroupTypeId | "usageClassGroupTypeId": 21 Type: Number Unique identifier for the associated UsageClassGroupType object. |
usageClassGroupTypeName | "usageClassGroupTypeName": "Sample Name" Type: String The name of the object associated with the usageClassGroupTypeId property. |
uniquenessIdentifier | "uniquenessIdentifier": "9195d64c5acd24fc0500AAAAAAA" Type: String A unique identifier associated with that specific usage record to ensure duplicates are not loaded.. |
usageClassTypeId | "usageClassTypeId": 0 Type: Number Unique identifier for the associated UsageClassType object. |
usageClassTypeName | "usageClassTypeName": "Sample Name" Type: String The name of the object associated with the usageClassTypeId property. |
importBatchId | "importBatchId": 13 Type: Number Unique identifier for the associated ImportBatch object. |
importBatchName | "importBatchName": "Sample Name" Type: String The name of the object associated with the importBatchId property. |
usageBill | "usageBill": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z" Type: Date |
inbound | "inbound": true Type: Boolean TBC. |
candidateTerminatingIdentifiers | "candidateTerminatingIdentifiers": "Hello World" Type: String TBC. |
primaryDataRow | "primaryDataRow": 26 Type: Number TBC. |
charge | "charge": 22 Type: Number TBC. |
serviceTaxCategoryId | "serviceTaxCategoryId": 11 Type: Number Unique identifier for the associated ServiceTaxCategory object. |
serviceTaxCategoryName | "serviceTaxCategoryName": "Sample Name" Type: String The name of the object associated with the serviceTaxCategoryId property. |
id | "id": "Hello World" Type: String |
updated READ-ONLY | "updated": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z" Type: Date The date time stamp when this record was updated. Date and time values are specified in the ISO 8601 format. |
updatedByUserId | "updatedByUserId": 0 Type: Number Unique identifier for the associated User object. |
updatedByUserName | "updatedByUserName": "Sample Name" Type: String The name of the object associated with the updatedByUserId property. |
id | "id": "Hello World" Type: String |
carrier | "carrier": "Hello World" Type: String |
GET | Udr/Mediated/{id} |
Retrieve an instance of the UDRMediated object by its ID. | |
{id} | Unique identifier for the UDRMediated object. |
Retrieve an instance of the UDRMediated object by its ID. GET Udr/Mediated/{id} HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "trackingId": "d2ae5304-2355-44eb-a328-272f02935f8b", "instance": { "date": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z", "udrIdentifierTypeId": 3, "udrName": "Sample Text Data", "originatingIdentifier": "016243802", "terminatingIdentifier": "017675442", "udrUsageIdentifier": "EC-1", "value": "Sample Text Data", "reverseRating": true, "usageClassId": 27, "usageClassName": "Sample Text Data", "usageClassGroupTypeId": 14, "usageClassGroupTypeName": "Sample Text Data", "uniquenessIdentifier": "9195d64c5acd24fc0500AAAAAAA", "usageClassTypeId": 24, "usageClassTypeName": "Sample Text Data", "importBatchId": 7, "importBatchName": "Sample Text Data", "usageBill": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z", "inbound": true, "candidateTerminatingIdentifiers": "Sample Text Data", "primaryDataRow": 23, "charge": 13, "serviceTaxCategoryId": 24, "serviceTaxCategoryName": "Sample Text Data", "id": "Sample Text Data", "updated": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z", "updatedByUserId": 27, "updatedByUserName": "Sample Text Data", "carrier": "Sample Text Data" } } |