Accurate, easy to understand invoices /
Reduce the amount of time it takes to get paid, eliminate charge disputes, and ensure your customers are satisfied with no confusion or frustration.

Invoice Presentation

Invoice Templates

Save time by quickly creating powerful professional-looking invoices that reflect your brand using Microsoft Word.
Invoice template diagram

Detailed Line Items

Improve transparency, accuracy and create upsell opportunities through a clear detailed breakdown of charges.
Detailed invoice line item diagram

Roll Up Summaries

Provide clarity by presenting a summary of charges in a simple and easy-to-understand format creating more readable invoices.
Invoice roll up summary diagram

Report Attachments

Attach detailed reports for customers that need all the nitty gritty details but don’t want to see it in their invoice.
Invoice attachment diagram
Self Service
Invoice presentment and payment through your branded customer portal.

Real-Time Charging

Real-time charge calculation allows you to offer flexible pricing models, such as pay-per-use or usage-based subscriptions, which can be attractive to customers who want to pay only for what they use.

Event Charging
Exception Handling

Tiered event pricing can help your customers save money by providing discounts as usage increases, which can encourage them to use the service more.

Don't let usage exceptions go unnoticed. You could be leaking revenue. Let LogiSense’s rating engine find the root of the problem and help your system administrator fix it.

Let your customers know when they are approaching a usage threshold that may incur additional charges.

Bill Run Automation

Trigger Workflows

LogiSense's automation capabilities help you organize your data, keep you connected with your end-users, and provide you with whatever view you need of your billing operations.

Trial Automation

Automate the transition between trials and paying customers. Whether that be based on the amount of time, or how much the customer has used, we’ve got you covered.

Pooled/Shared Charges

Allow accounts to draw down from shared pooled amounts of usage based services and ensure that charges are calculated correctly.

Contract Enforcement

Automation ensures charges are accurately calculated based on the terms of the agreement, which can prevent underbilling and other errors that can result in revenue leakage.

Share your invoicing needs

Do you have unique billing needs? Let's talk about how we can help!