Details the schedules of usage rated exception reprocessing.
identity READ-ONLY | "identity": 24 Type: Number This is the unique numeric identifier for the UsageRatedExceptionSchedule |
ownerId READ-ONLY | "ownerId": 21 Type: Number Unique identifier for the associated Owner object. |
ownerName READ-ONLY | "ownerName": "Sample Name" Type: String The name of the object associated with the ownerId property. |
scheduledStart | "scheduledStart": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z" Type: Date |
start | "start": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z" Type: Date |
complete | "complete": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z" Type: Date |
created READ-ONLY | "created": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z" Type: Date This is a system generated date when the record was created. Date and time values are specified in the ISO 8601 format. |
createdByUserId | "createdByUserId": 13 Type: Number Unique identifier for the associated User object. |
createdByUserName | "createdByUserName": "Sample Name" Type: String The name of the object associated with the createdByUserId property. |
filterCriteria | "filterCriteria": "Hello World" Type: String The criteria used in processing. |
sentCount | "sentCount": "Hello World" Type: String Number of exceptions sent. |
isDelete | "isDelete": true Type: Boolean TBC |
POST | UsageRatedExceptionSchedule/Reprocess |
Create a new instance of the UsageRatedExceptionSchedule object. | |
Create a new instance of the UsageRatedExceptionSchedule object. POST UsageRatedExceptionSchedule/Reprocess { "scheduledStart": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z", "start": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z", "complete": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z", "createdByUserId": 5, "filterCriteria": "Sample Text Data", "sentCount": "Sample Text Data", "isDelete": true } HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "trackingId": "d2ae5304-2355-44eb-a328-272f02935f8b", "type": "create", "results": { "totalCount": 1, "items": [ { "identity": 1, "ownerId": 10, "ownerName": "Sample Text Data", "scheduledStart": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z", "start": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z", "complete": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z", "created": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z", "createdByUserId": 25, "createdByUserName": "Sample Text Data", "filterCriteria": "Sample Text Data", "sentCount": "Sample Text Data", "isDelete": true } ] } } |