Currency / Exchange / Detail

(API Version v10)

This entity represents the individual exhange rates for a particular Currency.

What can you do with CurrencyExchangeDetail?


Property Details
"identity": 20
Type: Number
This is the unique numeric identifier for the CurrencyExchangeDetail
"currencyId": 0
Type: Number
Unique identifier for the associated Currency object.
"currencyName": "Sample Name"
Type: String
The name of the object associated with the currencyId property.
"currencyExchangeId": 27
Type: Number
Unique identifier for the associated CurrencyExchange object.
"currencyExchangeName": "Sample Name"
Type: String
The name of the object associated with the currencyExchangeId property.
"rate": 25
Type: Number
The multiplier of your default base currency for this rate.
"created": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z"
Type: Date
This is a system generated date when the record was created. Date and time values are specified in the ISO 8601 format.

End Points

Delete an instance of the CurrencyExchangeDetail object. Upon successful delete, this API will return a record of all of the related objects deleted with this operation. The specifics on which objects have been deleted will depend on which related objects have been populated in the system.
{id}Unique identifier for the CurrencyExchangeDetail object.
Delete an instance of the CurrencyExchangeDetail object.
DELETE Currency/Exchange/Detail/{id}
View Sample Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "trackingId": "d2ae5304-2355-44eb-a328-272f02935f8b",
    "type": "delete",
    "results": {
        "totalCount": 4,
        "items": [
                "identity": 1,
                "action": "deleted",
                "dtoTypeKey": "currencyExchangeDetail"
                "lhsId": 2,
                "rhsId": 2,
                "action": "detached",
                "dtoTypeKey": "sampleObjectConnector"
                "foreignKeyIdentity": 2,
                "action": "deleted",
                "dtoTypeKey": "sampleObject"
Retrieve all of the CurrencyExchangeDetail objects.
Retrieve all of the CurrencyExchangeDetail objects.
GET Currency/Exchange/Detail/
View Sample Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "trackingId": "d2ae5304-2355-44eb-a328-272f02935f8b",
    "totalCount": 1,
    "items": [
            "identity": 1,
            "currencyId": 6,
            "currencyName": "Sample Text Data",
            "currencyExchangeId": 22,
            "currencyExchangeName": "Sample Text Data",
            "rate": 13,
            "created": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z"
Retrieve all of the CurrencyExchangeDetail objects in a paged fashion. This endpoint implements pagination for its results. Individual pages can be requested to return a particular paged set in the list of results. To learn more, see details on working with paginated endpoints.
Retrieve all of the CurrencyExchangeDetail objects in a paged fashion.
GET Currency/Exchange/Detail/Paged
View Sample Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "trackingId": "d2ae5304-2355-44eb-a328-272f02935f8b",
    "pagination": {
        "pageNumber": 1,
        "pageSize": 20,
        "excludeTotalCount": false
    "pagedResults": {
        "totalCount": 1,
        "items": [
                "identity": 1,
                "currencyId": 10,
                "currencyName": "Sample Text Data",
                "currencyExchangeId": 25,
                "currencyExchangeName": "Sample Text Data",
                "rate": 24,
                "created": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z"
Retrieve deep detail of the CurrencyExchangeDetail object by its ID. This endpoint returns additional detailed data related to this object. The specifics on which data is returned will depend on which related objects have been populated in the system.
{id}Unique identifier for the CurrencyExchangeDetail object.
Retrieve deep detail of the CurrencyExchangeDetail object by its ID.
GET Currency/Exchange/Detail/{id}
View Sample Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "trackingId": "d2ae5304-2355-44eb-a328-272f02935f8b",
    "instance": {
        "identity": 1,
        "currencyId": 20,
        "currencyName": "Sample Text Data",
        "currencyExchangeId": 2,
        "currencyExchangeName": "Sample Text Data",
        "rate": 19,
        "created": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z",
        "details": {
            "sampleSingleObject": {
                "identity": 2,
                "property1": "Sample Text",
                "property2": "2021-04-26T15:25:29.117Z",
                "property3": 2
            "sampleMultipleObjects": {
                "totalCount": 1,
                "items": [
                        "identity": 2,
                        "property1": "Sample Text",
                        "property2": "2021-04-26T15:25:29.117Z",
                        "property3": 2
Create a new instance of the CurrencyExchangeDetail object.
Create a new instance of the CurrencyExchangeDetail object.
POST Currency/Exchange/Detail/

    "currencyId": 20,
    "currencyExchangeId": 15,
    "rate": 9
View Sample Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "trackingId": "d2ae5304-2355-44eb-a328-272f02935f8b",
    "type": "create",
    "results": {
        "totalCount": 1,
        "items": [
                "identity": 1,
                "currencyId": 27,
                "currencyName": "Sample Text Data",
                "currencyExchangeId": 26,
                "currencyExchangeName": "Sample Text Data",
                "rate": 11,
                "created": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z"
Update an existing instance of the CurrencyExchangeDetail object.
Update an existing instance of the CurrencyExchangeDetail object.
PUT Currency/Exchange/Detail/{id}

    "identity": 1,
    "currencyId": 21,
    "currencyExchangeId": 0,
    "rate": 5
View Sample Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "trackingId": "d2ae5304-2355-44eb-a328-272f02935f8b",
    "type": "update",
    "results": {
        "totalCount": 1,
        "items": [
                "identity": 1,
                "currencyId": 1,
                "currencyName": "Sample Text Data",
                "currencyExchangeId": 22,
                "currencyExchangeName": "Sample Text Data",
                "rate": 7,
                "created": "2021-04-26T15:25:27.587Z"